World Meteorological Organization

Public Weather Services
established this register of information about alerting authorities as identified by Members.
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OID: WMO Member: New Zealand ISO 3166: NZ NZL 554

Issuing Organization: Ministry for Primary Industries

Hazard Categories: Health Env

Authorization Basis: Food Safety: * MPI has responsibility under section 18 of the Food Act 2014 for providing information to the food industry and the public on matters relating to the safety and suitability of food and coordinating the response to emergencies that may undermine food safety. * The Director-General of MPI has powers under the Food Act 2014 and the Animal Products Act 1999 to publish privileged statements for the purpose of protecting the public. Biosecurity: * MPI is the agency tasked with supporting the Minister for Primary Industries, who has responsibility under section 8 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 for recording and coordinating reports of suspected new organisms and managing appropriate responses to such reports. * Under Part 6 of the Biosecurity Act 1993, MPI officers may impose place and area controls in order to manage biosecurity responses. * Under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, MPI is the agency responsible for exercising enforcement powers in relation to new organisms, including declaration of emergencies under that Act.

CAP Feed URL(s): [ blank ]

Forecasts URL: [ blank ]

Alerting Area (NWSE): [ blank ]

Default map for this authority (alerting area not yet specified).
Hazard Categories
Geo: Geophysical (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami, etc., includes landslide)
Met: Meteorological (weather, storms, etc. includes flood)
Safety: General emergency and public safety
Security: Law enforcement, military, homeland and local/private security
Rescue: Rescue and recovery
Fire: Fire suppression and rescue
Health: Medical and public health
Env: Pollution and other environmental
Transport: Public and private transportation
Infra: Utility, telecommunication, other non-transport infrastructure
CBRNE: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or High-Yield Explosive threat or attack
Other: Other events

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